Things change... I like to think mostly for good... and that everything happens for a good reason (if your karma is right).
So here I am four years in America and I think I am in the same position that I was when I first saw "Lady Liberty", while coasting into JFK Airport. I was confused with what to study and I knew I had a big responsibility. I was here and I don't like to turn back.
Well now it's past graduation and after moving from Cincinnati, OH to Mankato, MN, I find myself working in Charlottesville, VA.
From what I've seen it's a nice city.
I'm working and that seems the only thing to matter to me. But civil engineering is a vast field and now I find myself at the same crossroads that I was four years back.
Which field to take? Should I take what my job dishes out to me? Or should I forge my way and go for the most difficult path. After all it may be the most fruitful.
Time will tell.
My philosophy for now is lets get that experience and get myself some bargaining power.
After all in this world where money is a plastic card and your finances are directly impacted by that 3 digit credit score, I think I could use being less green.
Lets rack myself some points.
Save as WWF, Save a Tree : Home
14 years ago