The most debated topic in school used to be - ' Women and education'. Each year the same topic would appear in the exams - but with different names like - write an essay, prepare a debate for or against, etc…. He had most definitely sided with all his peers in saying that women needed education. Without understanding what he was saying he had memorized the essay itself. Had it been debates he would have been able to rattle off - women and men are created equal, they are the two wheels of the same vehicle, what if something happens to the husband, they must be able to stand on their own feet,… and what not. No wonder the impartial examiner naturally bestowed high marks upon him and lo and behold! Ladduram had passed SLC with flying colors.
But the iron gate isn't everything. After the iron gate comes a silver gate, a golden gate, and lots of other gates. It won't do anyone any good just to sit around waiting for the keys to be brought to him. But alas Laddu had spent his time after SLC waiting for the keys to drop on his lap. Sitting on his sofa, watching cable TV, living on his fathers bread had not just made him a great ball of fat but also given him stretch marks. Each day he sat there watching TV, hearing health hazards of being a couch potato. But like all of us the useful things went through one ear and passed out either through the other ear or through his mouth, giving advice where not required. His fattiness was not just a mixture of food and slouching around but also contained the junk that the TV gave him. Doubtful it was that one day the radiation would turn him into a super fat guy.
So now Laddu found himself without education and after his fathers death without a money plant, and if he didn't get up and earn some money he would pretty soon find himself without a wife too. And if he didn't start working soon enough he'd have to start paying alimony with the little money he had.
He had a roof above his head and with that he began to think. 'Well,', he thought,' I've got a house, and clothes. That's two necessities I needn't be wary of. The only thing I need to worry about is food.' Obviously Laddu wasn't a farmer, after all who in the city has a vegetable garden big enough to feed one through the entire year. Of course there's the family business. But Laddu wasn't the type to go into the stereotypical son-follow-fathers-business. He wasn't ready to put out a sign that read 'Laddu & Sons'. So now he put his thinking cap on.
He thought and thought. Then finally - Eureka!
He'd found the solution. He would add a couple of storey to his house and give the rooms for rent. To him it was a grand idea. It didn't matter to him that his house had drinking water problem, or that the weight of another storey would weaken his houses old structure. No….. for all Laddu cared the house would rake in lots of money. Even at the cheapest price his small rooms would fetch quite some money. He dreamt on.
So now that Laddu has found a nice source of income, Laddu is still a couch potato, watches cable all day. It's been ages since he last took a bath but what to do - no water. The tenants and their children scream all day and night, but he is deafened by the money. For all he can see is the money raking in and the TV staring at him. His wife is still nagging him. His children are becoming more like him. He has two spare tyres around his waist and probably would be a good sample of the - made in Nepal tyres. The only addition is a spectacle upon his nose.
In fact he himself has become quite a spectacle, because from where I stand he looks just like cousin of the four legged P.I.G.
LOL: ladduram...
i didnt know there was a ladduram....sorry monee